Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Innovative Ideas For Dates She Will Never Forget

Innovative Ideas For Dates She Will Never Forget

Innovative Ideas For Dates She Will Never Forget
An overlooked approach to seduction is often found in meeting women through friends. There are advantages found in getting set up by your buddies or colleagues, as well as improving your odds through social networking sites.

These often overlooked avenues are GREAT ways to smoothly transition from acquaintances to friends'

'and hopefully, into potential lovers.

The key to doing that is by going on a DATE with her. There are two basic ways to gradually lead her into this, namely: hanging out with her along with your mutual friend(s) AND continuing the interaction online through networking sites like Facebook.

However, it's cool if you're the kind of guy who likes to do cold approaches on total strangers in everyday places like bookstores, record bars, convenience stores and so on. After all, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Regardless of your chosen method of meeting women however, you obviously need to go out with her on an exclusive date if a relationship is your goal.

Personally, the dating method I recommend is a gradual, multi-tiered approach. What I mean by that is I take things one step at a time, continuously gauging and ESCALATING a woman's interest little by little.

You see, a successful pursuit is the result of mastering the COURTSHIP PROCESS whose length depends upon a given woman's disposition. If you plan your dates around this basic context, it won't be long until she'll be chasing after you like a lovesick puppy.

So let me break down the dating structure I've successfully adapted over the years. Initially, you'll need to know her better in a one-on-one environment before taking things up a notch.

That's why your first date with her should be a RELAXED social affair. There shouldn't be any pressure at all at this point (although a little sexual tension is fine and even expected), so keep things light and FUN.

You know the typical scene in a TV show where the leading lady is flustered over what to wear on the first date? Don't put your woman in this predicament.

This clich' has been done to death and you should be SHAKING THINGS UP with her. If you want to break the mold, you're going to have to skip the typical romantic date routine and be INNOVATIVE.

How do you do this? Simple ' instead of asking your lady out to an expensive restaurant, meet up with her at a casual public place like a coffee shop or a juice bar.

This is an excellent way to minimize the natural jitters that come with a first date (for BOTH you and her). While you'll NEVER really get rid of all those fluttering butterflies, you'll have an easier time focusing on HER and have a good time all around.

After all, the point of going on a date is to ENJOY her company, and not treat it like it was a job interview where you have to prove yourself to her. Don't fall into that NEEDY mindset.

Furthermore, innovative first dates like these happen to be VERY budget-friendly. NOT that I'm saying you should be a cheapskate, but splurging right at the beginning screws up the courtship process.

This isn't about doing the 'pulling-out-all-the-stops' kind of stuff, but rather doing them at the RIGHT TIME. In her mind, these things will have way more impact and value if they're given as a reward rather than something that doesn't need to be earned.

Besides, romance has a much easier time to blossom when you're not projecting any expectations.

(I'm not saying though that it's not possible for the sparks to fly so early on')

In case that it does, your lucky date will feel like it's the most NATURAL thing in the world because she wasn't FORCED into it.

Bottom line: avoid making a huge production out of the first date.

With that said however, going on a low-pressure date doesn't mean you shouldn't plant subtle hints of romance in her head.

But we'll save that for later ' right now, let's talk about setting up the first date.

I'm assuming at this point that you've already made initial contact with her (either through your friends or on your own) and have obtained that ever-important phone number.

Generally, it's advisable to call her back within a maximum of one week after that first encounter. Wait any longer and the rapport that you have may FADE away into nothingness.

If at all possible, call her at HOME so she'll have a better chance of writing down the details. Emails as well as voice and text messages are at risk of being accidentally deleted or overlooked. Even calling her mobile isn't a good idea because she may be distracted or won't have anything to write with.

If there's one thing you should know about inviting her, it's the importance of having a DEFINITE PLAN with specific details (i.e. the time and place where YOU want to meet). The worst way to do this is blurt something out like, 'Hey there, remember me? Why don't we grab a bite at any place you want'any time is good for me too''

Remember, women appreciate a guy with a firm masculine essence. If you're gonna call her up and sound unsure, it's a HUGE giveaway that you're not really in control of your life.

Is she prejudging you? You better believe it. Don't tell me that your own brain isn't running in the background when you're checking out potential women to approach.

That's just the female mind at work, brother ' sometimes, it's better to go with the flow than against it.

As much as you can, suggest a place you're already familiar with so you have the homecourt advantage. Like I said, you might feel antsy anyway, so you might as well pick a comfortable spot.

It's only natural for anyone to have a sense of uneasiness when they're on unfamiliar ground. Keep this at bay by inviting your girl somewhere you'd feel at home.

Keep in mind that your time and venue should be at a place convenient not just for her, but for you as well. It's ok to be reasonably flexible about setting up a date - but not to the point where you have to travel half across town or cancel other important appointments just for her.

Once you've agreed to a date, it's time to run you through the basics. As mentioned earlier, you're going to have to get a head start on creating romantic thoughts swirling in that brain of hers.

The cool thing about the 'casual' first date is that you can totally accomplish the said objective under the radar. In such a relaxed context, she won't know what hit her!

So how do you create this effect? Well, it's done through the little things.

When I say 'little', I'm referring to fleeting little indications that you're into her. You don't want to push her away by telegraphing TOO much interest early on, so you can do it in smaller, bite-sized chunks of subtlety.

When it comes to conversation, a woman will want to experience positive feelings while she's talking to you. Making her feel good during a conversation is essential to generating major attraction.

The feminine essence is all about emotions; if you can trigger the right ones within your date, she'll pin them on you. Play your cards right, and she'll inexplicably be feeling very good the next time she thinks about you.

In this case, being guilty by association is a GOOD thing.

Focus on upbeat topics that serve a springboard for other positive things to talk about later on. For instance, try sharing interesting anecdotes.

A good way of doing this is by telling her about the time you got into a funny situation but came out of it OK. The point here is to give her an idea that you're a relatively optimistic guy who can keep his cool and take the bad stuff in stride.

Her subconscious needs some assurance that you can handle life's curveballs because you'll eventually have to protect her from the same stuff later on. It's simply her feminine side seeking the rock-steadiness of your masculinity.

So obviously you should skip any subjects that could bring down the good vibe. Conversation no-no's include ex-partners, political affairs, anything related to bodily functions (not even as a joke), violence and any other negative stuff that will turn her off.

And if you really want to seal the deal, you can talk about romantic stuff without coming off as cheesy. What I like to do is introduce mushy topics in a fairly indirect way.

(This also lays down the foundations for the latter stages of courtship, but anyway')

For instance, try bringing up a romantic situation you heard about from a friend and tell your date what YOU think about it. After that, get her talking about the subject by asking for HER take on it.

Let me give you an example: 'You know, I think it's weird in a cool way when two people just connect and sort of fall into their own little world. I mean, one minute you're baring your souls to each other and then it's back to reality the next. The transition can be jarring but exciting at the same time. Have you ever felt like that?'

Of course, there are a hundred other questions you can pattern in the same way. Get creative and think of people, places and situations which will help you think of something to ask her during your date.

Good conversationalists make it a point to look into the other person's eyes while she's talking. It's OK for your gaze to be elsewhere as you're talking (while occasionally looking at her), but look into her eyes with a reassuring smile when it's her turn to speak.

Trust me - your undivided attention is one of the most powerful tools to win her over. While you're at it, don't be stingy with the compliments. LISTEN to what she has to say so you can appropriately praise something important to her.

When she says, 'I'm more comfortable doing freelance work than being in an office all day', you say 'That's cool, I've always admired women who can earn their keep on their OWN terms rather than marching to someone else's beat.'

While the rest of the guys out there are giving compliments about her looks, throw her off by praising something OTHER than her body. She'll appreciate you for it.

Remember, the general goal is to establish yourself as the guy that'll make her think 'Hmm, this guy seems interesting ' let's see what happens''

You don't have to make her fall in love with you on the spot'you just have to lead her in that direction.

The things that we've talked about so far are meant to arouse this curiosity ' not to mention keep you FAR away from the 'friends zone'.

Lastly, you'll want to keep the time on your first date to a maximum of one hour so you can wrap things up while the getting's good. It may sound counter-intuitive to leave when the chemistry is at its peak, but think about the benefits of ending on a good note.

Try telling her, 'Oh man, I d really like to stay longer, but I have an appointment to go to'maybe we can get together next week?' When you introduce a time constraint, she'll savor your moments together and will actually be SAD to see you go.

How do you think that will affect your chances for a SECOND date?

When you call up your girl to ask her out, make sure you give her the impression that you have somewhere else to go after the date. This way, she won't have to worry about things dragging on in case (heaven forbid) that the date doesn't go too well.

(No pressure, remember?)

Just to remind you of course, that you have every intention to have a good time with her. You're only putting a time limit on the date so she'll WANT to see you after it ends.

I've advised a lot of my friends to go with this general dating plan and they've yielded very favorable results.

(The occasional flaky chick notwithstanding, of course ' hey, life's funny like that sometimes!)

Speaking of great results, remember that this is only the opening act. Once you've had a good feel of her personality and the things that she likes, you'll be able to zero in on what you can do the next time around.

Perhaps she needs a couple more of these quick coffee shop dates to really set the stage, but eventually you'll have enough leverage to take things more seriously.

Once you're ready to go to the next level, up the ante by putting together a bunch of activities you can do in the span of a day (as opposed to just an hour). Your previous dates should give you the 'intelligence' to help figure out what things you can do on your next 'assignment'.

If she's into everything art-related, then summon your inner James Bond and take her to the local museum or to a bookstore if a new title is coming out. Then you could go to the park to grab a quick bite (better if you know about her favorite snack beforehand!).

Whatever you have planned, your follow-up dates should allow you both plenty of time to chill out and bond throughout the day. If you plan things correctly, you'd be surprised how long even ONE day will seem to her.

Create enough noteworthy experiences in her mind, and she'll carry those memories for a long time to come.

Having said that, do your homework and have a backup plan ready to prevent any unforeseen factors from raining on your parade. And if your date doesn't exactly go according to plan, don't flip out.

It's not cool to blow a gasket in front of her because she'll be looking to you for direction and initiative. If you blow it off like it's no big deal, then she'll follow suit.

Well, that about does it for now. By the way, you should take a look at this little gem of knowledge before you go:


This book is your direct link to the masters of seduction because they've put down the techniques and attitudes they've used in their own romantic pursuits.

As a bunch of wise men once said, 'You wanted the best, you've got the best!'


This article comes to you courtesy of www.meetysweet.com

If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of seduction self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's 'Make Her Crave You,' your first stop for gal-getting strategies that really deliver.

If you want quality women, and want more than just scripted lines and one night stands, if you want the confidence and winning attitude to take your skills and success to the next level, let Slade Shaw and the team challenge your beliefs about what women really want and how to be the guy that gets her attention, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.


No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real men!

Innovative Ideas For Dates She Will Never Forget

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

How To Meet Women Through Social Networks And Friends

How To Meet Women Through Social Networks And Friends

How To Meet Women Through Social Networks And Friends
Despite what your grumpy, pessimistic inner critic is telling you, you're already a GREAT guy to begin with. But can the ladies SEE that?

This is where a lot of guys need help with. All things considered however, you're still in a good situation because it's just a matter of UNLEASHING something that's already there.

Want to know how? Check this out:


Let me ask you something: does meeting quality women on a REGULAR basis feel like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack?

If you're like most guys, you've probably gone down the beaten path known as 'Hitting The Clubs'. You know what I'm talking about: you and your buddies head to the nearest bar, have a few drinks, and wait for a group of eligible ladies to come your way.

Some seduction experts use these venues as their so-called 'training grounds' to get their pupils' feet wet. The eager hopefuls proceed to test their newly-learned skills on the unsuspecting female population.

Although this seems like a sound plan, the women at these places are already EXPECTING to be approached during the night (especially the hot ones!). Then, there's the possibility of running into a girl who happens to take pleasure in shooting down guys' ego.

If you're lucky enough to meet one of these she-devils in disguise, well'don't say I didn't warn you.

This is probably why the most obvious choice ISN'T always the most effective one.

I mean sure, approaching several strangers in one night will help you get over your fear of interaction. However, this is NOT the only way to meet women and you shouldn't limit your options to this familiar route.

I want you to step back and look at the big picture. LIFE in general is just BUZZING with opportunity.

There's more than one path to success, so you should get used to changing your sails if the prevalent winds aren't in your favor.

It may make you feel uncomfortable to try a different, unfamiliar approach to getting what you want, but this is a GOOD thing. Being uncomfortable means you're leaving your safe, secure little zone of comfort and doing something NEW.

This means you're evolving as a person, gathering valuable experience and LEARNING something new in the process.

So repeat after me: DISCOMFORT IS GOOD. THIS is the mindset you should have when getting into dating.

Maybe you're thinking ALL the hot women hang out in the same places. Well, that's a big negative.

It may come as a big surprise to you that NOT all gorgeous and brainy women (read: the ones you're after) are packed like lemmings in bars or nightclubs.

Wouldn't it be nice to meet a nice girl WITHOUT the pre-packaged pressure that comes with the usual places?

Think about it: there's already a heavy context involved with walking up to a woman in a bar. Like it or not, but a lot of movies and TV shows have caused us to permanently associate these places with picking up women.

I mean, they've practically ETCHED that notion into our collective consciousness'chances are you're already broadcasting TOO much interest before you've even opened your mouth.

Thus, I'd like to talk about the backdoor to the world of seduction. Luckily, these alternate paths to meeting women aren't some big secret. They're in plain sight and all you need is to BROADEN your perspective on things.

For instance, your FRIENDS are an often overlooked avenue to dating bliss. I'm not talking about rounding up the boys for a night out on the town, but rather your overall SOCIAL CIRCLE.

This includes, colleagues, high school/college buddies, co-workers and so on. Just think that you're smack-dab in the middle of a very LARGE web of people who in turn have 'webs' of their own.

This is a vast field of opportunities that's just waiting to be tapped. I'd bet you that a sizeable chunk of these people happen to be (or know) women who fit your preferences.

This is where the expression 'all the good women are taken' fizzles into the sweet reality of ABUNDANCE. In other words, quality women are hardly in short supply my friend.

There are a lot of advantages to be had from taking this route. First of all, your friends can provide the social proofing which you would have to build on you own in a different setting.

Having a friend to introduce you to a promising candidate is a great way to be pre-qualified without having to open your mouth! Don't get me wrong, you'll have to carry a good conversation on your own after the introduction, but at least it won't look like you're bragging when your friend is telling her good things about you.

Also, being in the company of friends greatly cuts down on the awkwardness factor. Imagine being in a relaxed setting where your end goal is to have a good time ' and not getting her phone number right there and then.

Think of it as a 'pre-first date'; you get to see how she's like in social situations, and it's much easier to ask her out later on since you have the chance to build some rapport first. Plus, you don't have to worry about keeping one person entertained the whole time either.

Most of all, you'll get to gauge the level of interest between you two ' helpful information before taking things up a notch. Sounds like a sweet deal, right?

You get to have a good time while investing in your love life at the same time. If it doesn't work out, you'll still have fun so there's NO PRESSURE to succeed right here and now.

To get into this kind of situation, you can tell your friends outright that you're on the market. Ask them to bring along any single friends of their own but it doesn't have to be a blind date.

In fact, avoid blind dates altogether because it defeats the very purpose of going out with friends (the lack of awkwardness and pressure). Instead, just ask your pals to bring along anyone to your group outings.

They may even invite you to meet someone who they think might be a good match for you (provided that it's NOT an actual date). There's no shame to be found in asking for their help; chances are they'll be more than happy to set you up.

To keep things light and fun, remind your friends not to tell those ladies that you're on the lookout. All you need is the introduction so you can take it from there.

Then, there's the added dimension of extending your circle of friends into the virtual world. I don't have to tell you that we're living in the age of the Internet because that's the very reason why you're reading this in the first place.

Therefore, there's a huge chance you and your friends (and their cute friends) are probably part of an online social network such as the insanely popular Facebook. Sites like these are an excellent place to complement your dating pursuits.

If you're already on one of these sites, check to see if your existing profile needs to be polished. This is a key component of your online efforts because your profile acts as a sort of social resume which should complement the most attractive aspects of your personality.

As a general rule of thumb, your profile should have just enough information to give everyone a hint of what a great guy you are, but not too long that it becomes boring to read.

In the description, avoid putting anything cheesy or pretentiously highfalutin. It's especially bad to make any direct or indirect references to sex because that just screams 'DESPERATE'.

The vibe a reader should get is that you're a cool guy who does and likes a lot of things. So include information about your hobbies, interests, passions or anything else that makes you a balanced and interesting kinda guy.

As for the relationship status, go with 'single and looking to date' or any similar option to that effect. You obviously don't want to keep any prospects away by choosing a status that casts doubt on your availability, such as 'it's complicated'.

Of course, any self-respecting social networking site will allow its users to post photographic evidence of their hip and happening adventures in the offline world.

Whether it's mountain biking in the great outdoors or having an awesome time with your friends, your pictures should feature you in various upbeat social situations for evident reasons. Think along the lines of parties, concerts, comic book conventions and any other events which look interesting.

Now that you've sorted out the groundwork, it's time to put yourself out there. Once your friends introduce you to someone that you find attractive, casually ask her if she's on one of those sites.

I'm betting your mutual friend has Ms. Attractive on his/her contact list anyway, so this shouldn't be a problem. After you've added her up, wait for a couple of weeks before you start interacting with her online.

For starters, make a brief but funny comment on one of her pictures or status messages. While this is subjective ground to walk on, a lot of people will have the same idea of what's annoying, creepy or stalker-ish (which is what you'll want to AVOID here). Remember, it needs to be light-hearted and casual at the beginning.

After some time, you should be able to create enough comfort to ask her out on another group outing. Take the initiative to invite her to an event that you and your mutual friends are going to.

For example, if there's a really cool band playing in the area you can tell her that she should come along because it's going to be a lot of fun. Try something like, 'Hey there, we're going to watch _________ this weekend and I thought you might want to check them out as well.'

Eventually, you'll be able to casually establish just the right amount of familiarity with your friend's friend. If you're feeling bold enough, take the chance of asking her out on an exclusive date.

Now, don't get any images of candlelit dinners or sappy stuff like that just YET. You don't want to make the transition too jarring for her, right? Start off with something as simple as asking her to come with you to check out some new releases at the record store or drop by the upcoming art exhibit at the museum.

As casual as these dates may seem, it gives you an edge because again, she's not pressured into a romantic scenario. At the same time, it gives you plenty of time to have shared experiences with her.

Who knows, one thing may lead to another in due time. If things start to develop between you two, it transpired in a totally relaxed setting.

As far as the feminine perspective is concerned, this is PERFECT. Who is she to deny fate if the lucky girl ends up being attracted you along the way?

Besides, she'd be blind not to SENSE your lingering interest behind the invitation. The cool thing about it is that you're not telegraphing your interest too LOUDLY or HASTILY.

If she does agree to go out with you, she's either on the same page as you are'or is WILLING to see what happens at the very least.

Otherwise, be cool about it and move on with your life. Whatever happens, you'll still end up with another friend in your life. Take comfort in the fact that your flourishing social network is chock-full other people you can meet.

THIS knowledge will keep you from pressuring yourself ' OR her.

Just remember that social networking sites are NOT a replacement for a healthy social life. They're only a means to meet great women in PERSON, and not merely exchanging emoticon chats or 'pokes' with them.

It may take a while for you to develop your network of online AND offline friends, but you just need to invest enough time and effort to make it WORK for YOU. Once you've reached a level where you're always going out and meeting new people, all you need to do is MAINTAIN it.

The bottom line is that it's NOT HARD at all to get your foot in the door. You just have to open your mind to the possibility that ending up with your dream girl can happen in the most casual or everyday kind of circumstances.

One last thing before I let you go - if you want to know more about projecting an alpha-male personality to your friends (and incidentally, THEIR beautiful friends), and taking your winning confidence to the next level of attraction, you should definitely take a look at 'Fireworks With Females':


This course is packed with a CRAZY amount of information designed to BLAST though the barriers keeping you from greater success with women. I suggest you check it out TODAY ' it'll go well with your social circle-expanding efforts!


This article comes to you courtesy of www.meetysweet.com

If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of seduction self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's 'Make Her Crave You,' your first stop for gal-getting strategies that really deliver.

If you want quality women, and want more than just scripted lines and one night stands, if you want the confidence and winning attitude to take your skills and success to the next level, let Slade Shaw and the team challenge your beliefs about what women really want and how to be the guy that gets her attention, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.


No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real men!

How To Meet Women Through Social Networks And Friends

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

How Ditching The Rules Can Get You More Dates

How Ditching The Rules Can Get You More Dates

How Ditching The Rules Can Get You More Dates - Are you lost in a sea of information, grasping to find the real deal on how to attract a woman FOR KEEPS? Does it seem like there's a new book coming out every week, leaving you deeper in confusion about which advice to take??

Worse, you have friends and colleagues giving you their own unique take on what works and what doesn't work in a relationship. The World Wide Web is filled to the brim with all sorts of conflicting information, and it's hard to make sense of it all.

If all of the things those authors have tried in their own lives have worked for each and every one of them, why do their books cancel each other out??

There can be only so many versions of the truth out there; it can drive an average guy NUTS.

Well, this is where your INNER VOICE comes into play. It's really up to you to decide which piece of advice would work BEST with your unique circumstances.

And there are a lot of useful books out there that offer SENSIBLE, REAL-LIFE guidance on not only having an awesome love life, but a great lifestyle in general.

If you want such a guide to help you make sense of things, you should check out the definitive guide for guys:


You need to pick this up if you want to be at your best, most authentic self that the ladies will fall for.

Yet, there are a lot of so-called dating experts who are - honestly speaking, pouring POISON into the collective ear of the male population. I mean, there's just a TON of B.S. floating around on the web as well as in print media.

The stuff I'm talking about here is RULES. Strict, rigid rules that will only curse you to singlehood 'til kingdom come.

I have to tell ya, a lot of my own friends have been badly burned from following a bunch of arbitrary 'dating laws'.

What you might not know is that these rules only serve to make clueless guys even MORE narrow-minded than they were before.

I get where these rules are coming from though. With dating, so much can go wrong; believing that certain regulations within a clearly-defined system could somehow bring order to a chaotic environment.

And from a theoretical standpoint, following rules will safely keep you out of harms way (such as being rejected, getting dumped, etc.).

However, real life doesn't work like that.

Personally, I'm more of a 'go with the flow' kinda guy. I like to size up a situation and respond to it accordingly without a bunch of rules dictating my every move like I was some machine.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can't put the world of relationships into neat little compartments as if it was a science experiment. Some people look at social dynamics in the same way as a computer program driven by inflexible rules (read: NOT true), and so they repeatedly run into DISASTER.

The thing is, a healthy, stable relationship (long-term or otherwise) isn't brought about by religiously adhering to these 'laws' like your life depended on it.

Adaptability, creativity and RESPECT towards women will give a set of dumb rules an ass-whooping any day.

Most of these 'unbreakable' rules revolve around game-playing, manipulation and utter disregard for a woman's sensibilities. Let's take a look:

  • The best way to bring a woman down a couple of notches is to take a few pot shots at her ego. The more beautiful she is, the more aggressive your disguised insults need to be.
  • Before you get involved with someone new, you first need to give yourself an allowance of X number of years or months after breaking up with your previous girlfriend.
  • After a date, wait X number of days before calling her back.
  • You'll need to approach a woman within X number of seconds of spotting her.

What a doozy huh? If I didn't know better, I'd be following these rules like crazy before I ultimately run my love life to the ground.

The people who came up with these rules are probably projecting their own experiences. Therefore, its basically made to serve their OWN needs rather than every guy out there.

Everybody's situation is different, so you can't expect to use these rules as a one-size-fits-all kind of glove for the ENTIRE dating scene. These laws won't work for every single guy in the known universe, so it's really pointless to follow them to the letter.

It's more important to have a PERSONALITY that's suited to the dating world. The truth is that you can't substitute your real self with these rules.

A personality defined by self-confidence and non-neediness will be your best guide to making the RIGHT DECISION.

Rules don't really capture the spirit of healthy dating. They MIGHT work for you this one time, but it doesn't follow that your precious rules will get you consistent results!

On the flip side, I can honestly appreciate the IDEA behind these rules, which is to prevent you from getting burned. Yet, narrowing general guidelines down to extremely specific tenets simply won't work for all situations.

For instance, pinning down the exact number of days before calling ANY woman you date is just plain silly. I mean yeah, you don't want to look super EAGER or NEEDY, but don't you think the level of attraction will VARY from girl to girl?

Maybe a certain date of yours seemed really interested to see you again, while another woman wasn't all that receptive to your advances. That simply means you can't expect to apply one rule to two different people.

Since I'm feeling like a nice guy today, I'll give you some quick pointers on the ideas BASED on the rules we talked about:

  • Don't act like a woman's approval is your sole reason for living. Seeking validation from someone other than yourself is NOT attractive.
  • If she catches on that you're so DESPERATE to be in a relationship, you might end up driving her away.
  • Don't make a big deal out of approaching a woman. You'll be severely wrecking your chances if you hover around her, acting all jumpy and jittery.

Nonetheless, save the algorithms for other things, like rocket science. You can't possibly reduce social dynamics down to a mathematical equation.

No computer can intelligently decipher the complex patterns of human behavior ' your BRAIN is the only tool that can do that.

Sure, rules may help you out when you're new to the dating scene, but in the long run you'll need to cut the umbilical cord and come into your own. Eventually, you'll have to be someone that has a good amount of common sense and good judgment and won't need a bunch of rules to tell him what to do.

Furthermore, these rules pale in comparison to simply being a man who oozes with HIGH VALUE'instead of pretending to be one.

You can only get so far with pre-packaged templates for how to act around women. In fact, putting up an act will put you at risk of women seeing right through the smoke and mirrors (which is what the rules are all about).

Instead, you're better off cultivating a genuine personality that's consistent in word and deed. Saying one thing and doing another is NOT the way to relationship bliss.

Thus, you should be focusing on developing attraction by investing in the self-confidence that's *already* lurking within you.

And in order to pull that off, drop by and check out this course:


I highly suggest you check this out BEFORE you fall into the trap of playing deceptive mind games with your woman. This is your best bet to becoming the ideal version of yourself that'll leave the ladies swooning.


This article comes to you courtesy of www.meetysweet.com

If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of seduction self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's 'Make Her Crave You,' your first stop for gal-getting strategies that really deliver.

If you want quality women, and want more than just scripted lines and one night stands, if you want the confidence and winning attitude to take your skills and success to the next level, let Slade Shaw and the team challenge your beliefs about what women really want and how to be the guy that gets her attention, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.


No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real men!

How Ditching The Rules Can Get You More Dates

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date

How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date

How to be the Girl that Guys want to Date - NEWS FLASH: Does climbing Mt. Everest seem easier compared to achieving greater self-confidence? Perhaps you feel that being a bolder, more attractive version of yourself is too much of a tall order.

Are you one of those women who turn into a NERVOUS wreck when meeting a cute guy for the first time? Worse, do you feel like you should be a totally different person or stuff down all wonderful the aspects of your personality?

If that's the case, then you need to break out of this harmful train of thought. The things you want to be are already inside you, but you'll need a healthy amount of self-confidence for others to see it!

Check out the best way to let everybody else know that you ARE an attractive woman:


When you think about the dating scene, what do you believe are the necessary 'selling points' you need to get a guy's attention? It seems like some girls know something others don't.

A lot of women end up scratching their heads thinking, 'How does SHE do it? It's as if she does practically nothing but she's NEVER short on dates!'

Well, the real trick to connecting with quality guys is by putting yourself on EQUAL footing with them. After all, the kind of man you want needs to be on the same page as you are, so let's go through three quick tips:


#1: Look after yourself

You may think that this is about being a flawless specimen of beauty or wallowing in vanity.

NOT at all.

What I'm stressing here is that you need to let everyone know you care enough to look your best. And that's not the same as physical perfection ' guys just need to cotton on to the fact that you're always on top of your looks.

The men that we squeal in delight over are considerate enough to look as good as they do. Even if he isn't without a few flaws here and there, you KNOW that he's got it together.

Thus, we ladies should be game enough to make ourselves just as presentable as they are. Would you date someone that had no regard for hygiene? Any guy who's let go of himself would lower his chances of finding a partner ' that certainly applies to us as well!

Now, what details should we be concerned about? First of all, being fresh and clean is paramount. You may have an awesome personality, but you can help others see all of that by being in a PRESENTABLE package.

This is where regular showers and other daily habits such as flossing, brushing your teeth and shaving come in. Why should we let cleanliness be an issue that'll get in the way of meeting gorgeous men?

Try putting on a nice feminine fragrance that distinctly defines you. Get beautified by spritzing on a light perfume that isn't overpowering but pleasant enough to have guys at the first whiff!

Also, don't be shy with lotions (like vanilla or other similarly enticing scents) to keep you looking AND feeling smooth. There's nothing like a feminine appearance of delicate softness to appeal to a guy's masculine sensibilities!

This same approach goes with your sense of style. Don't be afraid to try on outfits that amplify your womanly attributes.

Looking good doesn't have to mean baring too much. A tasteful outfit should bring out your feminine essence, expose just ENOUGH skin, and accentuate your curves. If you need help with this, employ the help of the people in your life who have a knack for style and fashion.

They'll be able to recommend dresses, tops and blouses that'll keep you classy and sensual at the same time. The most elegant wardrobes allow a HINT of skin in the right places ' any guy with the tiniest bit of imagination will be intrigued enough to take notice!

I'm sure you know at least one woman who happens to have fabulous hair that suits her perfectly. You don't have to imitate her style; instead ask her where she gets her hair done so the same salon can fine tune your own set of locks.

Everyone is different, so consulting with a stylist will help narrow down a customized appearance that complements your frame and personality. Whether your hairstyle is straight, wavy or curly, the important thing is that it's clean, lustrous and fully expresses your unique identity!

Of course, FITNESS has a lot to do with being a girl who has it together. You don't need a perfect body mass index, but it does matter that you are making an EFFORT in this regard.

As busy girls, we have a load of excuses to keep us from working out regularly. However, if we recognize its importance in the general scope of dating (or your health for that matter), we can ALWAYS find time to work on ourselves, one way or another.

As for other matters, a dentist, dermatologist and other specialists who offer the kind assistance you need (be it your teeth, skin, etc) to really help polish the overall package. Investing in their services is a necessary factor to letting everyone know you're looking after yourself.

Generally, the sum of your beautifying efforts weighs a lot more than your imperfections. What girl doesn't have something they don't like about themselves?

But it doesn't matter since guys are willing to gloss over these infinitesimal details if they know you're the kind of girl who doesn't neglect herself.

In a parallel universe, we could look into each other's inner beauty and that would be enough. However, the way we present ourselves still matters when it comes to making a memorable first impression!


#2: Have yourself to rely on

Neediness in an emotional and material sense is one of the biggest roadblocks to greater attractiveness. Sure, guys may get the occasional kick out of being your knight in shining armor, but for the most part you'll need to let them know you can live without their brute strength.

In many relationships, the balance of power is so lopsided against a woman's favor that it allows bad stuff to seep in, such being taken for granted. If a guy knows you can live WITHOUT him, he'll naturally treat you better and it will breed MUTUAL respect.

It's a human tendency to VALUE something you could lose at any given moment, right? But of course I don't recommend that you flaunt this fact in anyone's face or use it as a way for a guy to submit to your whims.

I'm simply asking all the ladies out there to project a sense of independence. Guys absolutely LOVE it when they can't have a 100% hold on a girl ' you have no idea what self-sufficiency can do to their 'hunting' instincts.

Men are in it for the thrill of the chase, and knowing that he can't 'tame' you is plenty of fuel for his masculine drive to conquer, pursue and achieve. Tapping into this wellspring (using your independent personality) is a great way to get a lot of dates!


# 3: Get a life!

I hope you don't take this the wrong way because all of us obviously *have* lives. It's just that sometimes, pursuing a relationship - or having one - can obscure the importance of having a WELL-BALANCED life.

Even if we are talking about improving your dating life, remember that you have a LOT of other things to be passionate about. And this kind of attitude is what makes a woman more attractive and dateable in a guy's eyes.

When you're dedicated to improving yourself as a whole person, it just makes you more interesting and compelling to know. Jumping into a relationship just so you can have one isn't the right away to go about dating.

For your dating life to flourish, it needs a good, sturdy ground to stand on, namely a happening life filled with stuff you care about and ACTIVELY go after.

For instance, a guy is more likely to be riveted by a girl who has weekly brunches with her family, regularly attends a fitness class and excels at her chosen career. Furthermore, this interesting woman may also have a bunch of other hobbies that open her up to opportunities to meet other similarly appealing people!

If you simply lived out the other parts of your life EQUALLY, chances are that this lucky guy will be dying to be part of your awesome life!

And the great thing about this is that you aren't actively seeking a man's validation or approval; living as a driven woman NATURALLY does that for you.

So my advice for you is to get involved in the other things that interest you ASIDE from cute guys. In the end, we have ourselves to look after anyway ' regardless of whether we're single or not.

All in all, the way you treat yourself is a like a big, fat neon sign that tells the world how they should treat YOU. That's why the way we handle ourselves ' be it in terms of looks, self-sufficiency or lifestyle ' is a reflection of what kind of women we are.

And when you send the right kind of message to guys out there, you can be sure that these quality men are going to pick up on your signal!


This article comes to you courtesy of www.meetysweet.com

If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's 'Get a Guy Guide.'

If you want genuine men, and not just any man, let Mirabelle Summers and the team challenge your beliefs about love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.


No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real women!

How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date

Friday, January 15, 2021

How To Make A Good First Impression With Men

How To Make A Good First Impression With Men

How to Make a Good First Impression with Men - How would YOU like to give EVERYONE you meet ' friends, colleagues, potential boyfriends ' a first impression they'll never forget?

Wouldn't it be great to naturally win just about anyone over because of your awesome personality? Well, don't pay any mind to your inner naysayer'these qualities are already in you, and NOW is the best time to bring them out!

This plain truth eludes a lot of women because it's one of those 'right-under-your-nose' kind of things. Well, it's high time you played up the best version of yourself and share it with the rest of the world!

It all starts here:


That's right, all you need is the proper guidance to bring out the ATTRACTIVE and IRRESISTIBLE person that you've always wanted to be!

For the meantime however, I'd like to give you some pointers on how to jumpstart the inner transformation process TODAY.

Like I said, wouldn't it be just peachy to leave folks no choice BUT to really dig you? The thing about making a great first impression is that those who are good at it DON'T put too much thought about it.

They don't think'they just DO. In my experience, the single greatest obstacle to pulling this off is getting lost in your own head and trying to size up the situation too much.

You know what I mean: shutting out the person you're talking to (along with the rest of the world) as your brain works overtime to second-guess everything you do!

'Did I laugh too loud?'

'Is there something in my teeth?'

'Was I talking too fast?'

'Sheesh, my joke sure sounded lame!'

'I seem too eager'good luck hearing from him again!'

These kinds of thoughts are POISON to your attractiveness. Being deathly afraid of being less than perfect is going to make you TENSE.

And as you know, TENSE equals UNATTRACTIVE.

So, to put it succinctly: RELAX.

Don't let your nagging thoughts and doubts cloud your thinking. Even if your emotions seem like chaos, you can 'fake it 'til you make it', as some like to say.

Let me clarify what that means: it ISN'T about putting up a PHONY personality that doesn't really speak of who you really are. On the contrary, it's a matter of *temporarily* putting up a semblance of being calm and collected.

Nothing more, nothing less.

At first, acting cool as a cucumber may feel like putting on a new set of clothes that feels stiff and awkward at first. However, this feeling will go away the longer you 'wear' this attitude of confidence.

In the meantime, you'll just have to put up with this new feeling so that your anxiety won't get it the way of others seeing the REAL YOU.

In due time, you'll eventually outgrow it and being relaxed WILL become a natural part of you!

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. What are the things you should do to make people feel you're relaxed and in control?

First of all, your body's subtle visual cues will tip them off on what you're feeling. Body language goes a long way in generating the aura you're aiming for.

So, what you can do is discreetly OBSERVE your confident friends or other people you're often with. Do you notice how laid-back their posture is?

Maybe you'll see the way their feet are apart at just the right distance. Not too close, but not too far. There's something about standing in a way that says you're not about to apologize for the space you're occupying'.

'but at the same time, NOT being smug about it.

A good way to exude confidence is by standing slightly on one leg with your back propped up just enough to avoid slouching. At the same time, you don't want to be too upright like a solider either!

Also, resist the temptation to give away your nervous energy by fiddling with the straw in your drink or that handbag you may have on you. You'll need a place to tuck away those restless hands, but keeping your arms crossed isn't a good idea (as it's a very UNWELCOMING gesture!).

Instead, simply rest your hands on a stationary spot. If you're sitting for instance, one hand could be resting on the table (if you're sitting) while your other palm is flat your knee.

Feel free to mix and match the placing of your digits as long as they'll serve to make you look like at ease.

Next on your to-do list: make proper eye contact.

My general rule of thumb here is to look away and occasionally make quick, casual glances at your conversational partner as you speak. Then, hold a more consistent gaze when it's their turn to talk.

This is a great way to make a connection because being able to visually communicate with someone ensures that there's a healthy amount of rapport going on. This aspect of self-confidence is often glossed over since some folks don't realize how vital this is.

In general, this style of eye contact is flattering as your gaze implicitly tells them you're listening to them. Giving someone your attention in this manner is a subtle way to express interest and joy to be in their company.

As women, we're fortunate that prolonged eye-to-eye communication is well-received received by men AND fellow girls. When we make eye contact, it's generally perceived as a friendly gesture, so you can use this to your advantage!

When you think about it, looking away too much while a person is talking might send the wrong message. It could look like you're bored to tears'or worse, that their company isn't good enough for your undivided attention!

Similarly, not making brief moments of eye contact while speaking suggests you're ashamed or unsure of what you're saying. Visually reconnecting every now and then during your turn to speak implies confidence in your thoughts and opinions.

The last component of today's first impression skill set is the ability to SMILE. Sometimes, we get so caught up in looking so confident that our facial muscles have forgotten to follow suit!

That's ok ' we've all gone through times when our preoccupied minds have distracted us from expressing confidence with a smile. Like the other basic things, it's easy to overlook this simple but powerful gesture.

Now, it doesn't have to be the ear-to-ear kind of grin that would make Jack Nicholson proud. Again, you have to appear relaxed so your smile should reflect this attitude.

However, you also don't want to do it the way salesmen do. It's the kind of smile that seems like a rigid, unreal mask that can be taken off as quickly as it was put on.

You know what I mean, right? They're smiling just because they HAVE to, and not from the pleasure of hanging out with you.

The type of smile you'll need is the kind that GROWS on you during the course of the conversation. Why? It just seems more natural, relaxed, and NOT forced at all.

It's an unspoken sign, but the message that the right smile gets across is worth a WHOLE conversation in itself. So remember to ease up on the trigger, so to speak.

In fact, there's a powerful effect to be found in not smiling much when meeting someone for the first time. This allows you to create a connection by SLOWLY flashing those pearly whites after they've said something to 'EARN' it.

Trust me, creating such an experience for that lucky person is quite meaningful ' even if their CONSCIOUS mind doesn't acknowledge it.

As I told you earlier, you have a better chance of people warming up to you when they feel that their presence has made you feel better. So what I'm really saying is that your smile is a reflection of that JOY within you.

Hardly rocket science, right? I'm telling you, this first impression stuff isn't some great mystery that needs solving!

All the things we've covered today add up to a basic goal, which is to knock their socks off right from the GET-GO.

The first encounter is your best window of opportunity to permanently etch the kind of impression you want to make on someone.

The great thing about it all is that you have the means to make this happen, and having enough PRACTICE is what it boils down to.

You may know the basics now, but you don't study confidence, you DO it. Only then can you truly embody the irresistible woman that's lurking within.

Therefore, I'd like you to try out these things in the REAL WORLD where you'll truly LEARN what works and what doesn't. As I've talked about in the past, mingling with folks isn't a matter of life or death.

Once you wrap your mind around the truth that you have virtually infinite chances to hone your people person skills, the pressure just melts right OFF.

So don't sweat having to practice your awesome first impression-generating skills on the unsuspecting public! Just go about your day as normal, and when the next person is poised to have little chat with you, have at it!


This article comes to you courtesy of www.meetysweet.com

If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's 'Get a Guy Guide.'

If you want genuine men, and not just any man, let Mirabelle Summers and the team challenge your beliefs about love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.


No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real women!

How To Make A Good First Impression With Men

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